We monitor portfolios to deliver the best risk-adjusted returns via a combination of in-house technology, market expertise, rental comparables, and in-depth underlying data + metrics.
We analyze and track underlying metrics to provide key benchmarks of success for our partners. we track metrics such as NOI, rent growth, occupancy rates, turn rate, renovation costs, and more
We provide the necessary performance data. We report on performance metrics and data across all properties and portfolios at the preferred cadence of our partner. Whether a custom schedule, weekly summary, or monthly deep dive.
With deep expertise in MF asset and portfolio management and acquisition capabilities, we help local, regional, and national builders and developers optimize their MF portfolios, whether they're looking to hold, sell or a combination of both.
We support funds, asset managers, family offices, or other institutions looking to ensure their MF assets deliver maximum returns and outperform competitors, all while mitigating risk.
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